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Madiba Bay School of Flight has some of the best hourly rates in the world. We have a number of aircraft available to hire and fly. We have six Sling 2 aircraft, 1 Piper Cherokee, 1 Piper Twin Comanche.
Please see our courses for more prices related to course prices. These prices below are based on hire & fly only.
Sling 2 Aircraft cost
Sling 2 Aircraft cost
Sling 2 Aircraft cost
Piper Cherokee 140
Piper Cherokee 140
Piper Cherokee 140
Piper Twin Comanche cost
Simulator cost
R 1,850.00 / hour dual with instructor
R 1,730.00 / hour solo under supervision PPL training requirement
R 1,610.00 / hour for hire (hour building)
R 2,290.00 / hour dual with instructor
R 2,170.00 / hour solo under supervision PPL training requirement
R 2,050.00 / hour for hire (hour building)
R 4,900.00 / hour, dual only
R 1,100.00 / hour with instructor
The Sling 2 is a 700 kg non-type certified aircraft, fully accepted by the South African Civil Aviation Authority for all flight requirements towards any license.
The Sling 2 is accepted by the Civil Aviation Authorities of all Western Nations including U.S.A, Canada, U.K., Australia, New Zealand, France, Germany etc. Kenya, South Korea and India do not accept the Sling 2 as a training aircraft. In 2018 the Sling 2 was granted EASA type certification and all students may now enjoy its benefits. The price lists below are based on a Sling 2 aircraft. Should you request a quote on the below for a Piper Cherokee, we will be happy to do so.
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